"Hunting Road 'Gators..."

Monday, January 17, 2011

My first bike, and my first wreck...

So my first bike came in the spring of 1978, I was a Senior in high school, with money from digging clams burning a hole in my pocket.  I already had a truck, and Rob and Tommy Garapola (partners in crime during high school years) both had bikes.  I was ready for the freedom of the open road, the wind in my hair.  

Unfortunately my Mother was a nurse, having spent many years in the E.R. and ICU.  Motorcycles were death traps, and nothing good would come out of me riding one.  I begged and pleaded, and somehow convinced her that I would be ok...  famous last words.

The first scoot was a 1978 Yamaha 360cc.  Looked pretty cool, and rode well for a small bike.  Had the thing about a month when I had my first wreck...
Rob, Tommy and myself had cut school on a beautiful and sunny spring day, had ridden all over Suffolk County, putting on a few hundred miles.  I had to bug out so I could get to my job as a clam buyer for Great Atlantic Shellfish by 3 pm.  I was heading to work, riding on Main St., right at the intersection where the Sayville Library was located- where this road goes from both directions to only one way, when a lady driving a BIG Cadillac turned right in front of me.  If you ride, you know this feeling- she looked right through me without seeing me coming, and I knew she was going to turn.  I hit the brakes hard, and prepared myself for ejection, while trying to miss this 22 foot long cruise ship of a car!  I was lucky enough to miss the cabin and impacted the side of the Caddy at the back truck, flew over the handlebars and bounced in the street a few times before banging my head into the curb.  Luckily, I had enough sense to be wearing a full face helmet (which looked like it had been through a blender) and a leather jacket- from day one.  That didn't help the broken leg though...

The lady who caused the accident came walking over and asked why I ran into the side of her car?  Then I threw my helmet at her and cursed her out until she walked away in a huff.  

The ambulance arrives and I asked them to take me to Bayshore to Southside Hospital, because my Mom was at work at Brookhaven Hospital.  The EMT's though that was funny and took me right to Brookhaven.  My friends Mom, Mrs. Fox was working in the ER and she wasted no time in tracking down my Mother for me- gee thanks!  I must say, Mom handled it well, and was happy I was alive.  We talked about how I had been riding safely, was controlling my speed (the secret to riding and staying alive) and anticipated what was going to happen- how I was able to maneuver to avoid a more serious accident.  

By the time my leg had healed, my new bike had arrived (the first was totaled) and all was good in the world.  Thanks Mom, for trusting me and allowing me to have some fun...

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